Old pictures

I’ve been going through old photo albums, looking for a specific picture for our son Peter and came across a couple that had me chuckling to myself (LSTMABPSI).

First was a “This is your life” presentation done for us in 1982.  Yep. 1982.  We were all of 29 years old, and the Trailblazers at South Baptist Church in Lansing thought we had lived a full life. Go figure. (I can’t believe they let me wear that suit!)

Next is a picture at Andy’s wedding. I’m not saying anything about this picture of Andy and his sisters.

Going back a few years, is a picture of Craig at his seventh birthday party, in 1981.  I think we’ll have a Kermit theme for his 37th party this year at the lake.

Finally, the picture I was looking for.  Introducing Peter the Great, Genius!

What more can I say than these pictures have said?


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