Do you know the truth?

“YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON your knowledge of the gospel. Not just your life now, though that is certainly true, but your eternal life depends on your knowledge of the gospel. Are you ready? Do you know the gospel so well that you will stake your life on it? “If someone claimed to be a representative…

When He was on the Cross, I was on His Mind

When He was on the Cross, I was on His Mind

I’ve cross-posted this sermon here, because of difficulties on the site.  As soon as those are resolved, it will be posted there as well, back to normal. Pastor Basham opens God’s word today and takes us all through it to explain God’s plan of salvation for us.  You’ll want to have your bible open,…

How should I pray for someone?

How should I pray for someone?

We’ve just restarted a program in our church, something we did years ago, but that fell by the wayside.  It’s good that we’ve picked it up and resown the seed.  The program is an official “pray for your church family” list, with a new list coming out each week of seven individuals or families to…

The Christmas Narrative

The Christmas Narrative

Merry Christmas!  Today is the day we celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ.  Most of the world celebrates the day, but not all celebrate the event.  Many have not even heard the story surrounding Jesus’ birth.  I thought I would fix that for those who may read this.  Below is a link to a…

November (2022) MI Ballot Proposals

There are three statewide proposals for constitutional amendments in Michigan on the November 2022 ballot. Here is the language, copied verbatim, from a sample ballot. Personally, I’m ambivalent on the first, but strongly opposed to the second and vehemently opposed to the third. Proposal 22-1 A proposal to amend the state constitution to require annual…

Living by Faith on the Son of God

A hymn from The Psalmist, #536, written by Philip Doddridge. BLEST Jesus, while in mortal fleshI hold my frail abode,Still would my spirit rest on thee,My Saviour and my God. On thy dear cross I fix my eyes,Then raise them to thy seat;Till love dissolves my inmost soul,At my Redeemer’s feet. Be dead, my heart,…

Actively Seek Peace, Pursue Peace, Live Peaceably

Does the world seem angry to you? Do you wonder why we’re so argumentative, fighting at the drop of a hat? Why is it so easy to respond angrily to anything? It seems that if someone has the audacity to disagree, even slightly, we take umbrage, take offense, get upset, and tell the world how…