A Bigger Library

The mail brought more BOOKS yesterday!  I LOVE it when that happens.  Books are one of my weaknesses, and I think I’m going to need more shelves in my office library, or at the least rearrange a bit.  I’m running out of room. Yesterday’s acquisitions came from monergismbooks.com.  It’s one of my favorite book sites…

A Sovereign God I Wish To See

There’s a precedent for our current practice of projecting the text for hymns and choruses on screens in churches today, and it’s not based on technology.  Most of the old hymnals from the 18th and 19th centuries had no music, simply lyrics, yet they seemed to get along quite well.  Their hymns frequently had more…

On Worship

Here’s a thought-provoking blog entry by Zac Hicks on worship.  He’s actually giving thoughts on another person’s article, who was giving thoughts on Mark Driscoll’s book, The Radical Reformission (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2004), but this entry is still worth reading. I haven’t read Driscoll’s book, but based on this brief review, it may be worth…

Library additions

Two more books were delivered today, and I am really looking forward to working through them. The first is “Our Own Hymn-Book,” and it’s subtitled “A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Public, Social and Private Worship.”  It was compiled by C. H. Spurgeon in 1866.  This version is a reprint by Pilgrim Publications, BOX…

Faith On Trial

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones was a preacher for most of the 20th century, with most of his time at the Westminster Chapel in London.  Many of his sermons have been transcribed into books, including an outstanding series on Romans, which should be in every pastor’s library. Recently, I’ve been reading his book on Psalm 73, entitled…

Letter from Spain

Here is a prayer letter we received from Jim and Carolyn Fasold, our friends working with the Spanish Bible Institute.  It came via email, and I asked (and received) Jim’s permission to repost it here. IBSTE prayer letter 11. (We received this letter just before we learned that Carolyn’s mother died in Puerto Rico.)

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