I was going back through some notes on a book I read and found this great list of reasons why we need to go to church. The book was “On Worship1” by H.B. Charles, Jr., and if you’re interested, you can get it here. Here is Charles’ list of twenty-five reasons you should regularly participate…
All posts in Worship
On public worship – do it together
From “Public Worship – Considered & Enforced” by Joseph Kinghorn: “The public worship of God has a great tendency to keep up in our minds, a sense of his character and of our situation.Every part of it suggests that God is great and that we should be lowly before him; that he is holy, but…
On the worship of God
This quote (formatting mine) was taken from Warren Wiersbe’s book “Real Worship”, and was itself a quote from another author, William Temple. We find it hard to define worship, to understand it. We pigeonhole our worship into 15 to 30 minutes on any given Sunday morning when we actually make time in our busyness to…
The beauty of holding your tongue
In studying for today’s lesson on Psalm 73, I read this verse: If I had said, “I will speak thus,” I would have betrayed the generation of your children. The Psalmist was in the midst of a personal thought crisis, and really wanted to speak his piece. But he didn’t, at least not immediately. He…
Until I came into the sanctuary of God
“… this book brings us into the sanctuary, draws us off from converse with men, with the politicians, philosophers, or disputers of this world, and directs us into communion with God, by solacing and reposing our souls in him, lifting up and letting out our hearts towards him. Thus may we be in the mount…
Dear Refuge of my Weary Soul
Anne Steele wrote this hymn in the mid- to late 1700’s. The thoughts and emotions are just as applicable today as then. Her version had 8 four-line verses, the modernized version put to music by Kevin Twit has changed that to 4 eight-line verses, eliminated one set and repeated the last. Verse 1 Dear refuge…
Come, worship with us
If you’re up north, in Michigan, near Cheboygan, we’d love to have you come worship with us Sunday morning. Here’s some of what’s going on tomorrow (August 9, 2015). The adult Sunday school class, taught tomorrow by Harry Hammond, is finishing a brief study of Job, as part of a video series by Philip Yancey titled…
The Mystery of God
A couple of quotes from a new book I picked up, “The Mystery of God” by Stephen Boyer and Christopher Hall. “Theology is not simply a set of truths to believe; it is a path to walk, or a living vision to pursue – and a vision always pursued in the awareness that God is…
Confession of Sin
I’m traveling on business and had to leave early this morning, which meant I would miss worshiping with my local church family at Faith Baptist in Cheboygan. I’m always sad when I’m away on Sunday because of the people I don’t see and speak with, find out how they’re doing, or what is going on…
Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs
Kevin DeYoung has added two posts to his blog on The Gospel Coalition blog site regarding the music used in churches. If you’re at all interested in the subject, they’re very good reading. He’s titled it “Ten Principles for Church Song” and it comes in two parts, five principles each. The first five are here. The…