Letter from Spain

Here is a prayer letter we received from Jim and Carolyn Fasold, our friends working with the Spanish Bible Institute.  It came via email, and I asked (and received) Jim’s permission to repost it here. IBSTE prayer letter 11. (We received this letter just before we learned that Carolyn’s mother died in Puerto Rico.)

New Hymns Project from Page CXVI

You may not know of Page CXVI.  If not, they’re definitely worth a listen.  They put out a CD of old hymns in new wrappers in 2009, including “Come Thou Fount”, “In Christ Alone”, “My Jesus I Love Thee”, “When I Survey The Wonderful Cross”, “Nothing But The Blood”, “Solid Rock” and “Joy”.  They’ll be…

The Look

My wife has it down pat.  If I do something out of the range of her acceptable standards, I get it.  I imagine there is not a husband or son alive in the world today who has not received “The Look” from their wife or mother.  Denise calls it her look of love.  Once in…

I’m afraid

How often do we hear that phrase, or a paraphrase of it, or even think it ourselves?  In Monday’s reading from 1 Samuel 16-20 we saw a number of opportunities for fear.  Samuel was the first to voice his fears.  The Lord gave him specific instructions when He said “How long will you grieve over…

An Easter Prayer

CRUCIFIXION AND RESURRECTION O LORD, I marvel that thou shouldst become incarnate, be crucified, dead, and buried. The sepulchre calls forth my adoring wonder, for it is empty and thou art risen; the four-fold gospel attests it, the living witnesses prove it, my heart’s experience knows it. Give me to die with thee that I…

Out of Ivory Palaces

We spent the evening with my parents, who are visiting for the Easter celebration.  Our discussion turned to music, and Denise and I played a couple of songs for Mom and Dad, including one of Mom’s favorites, He Giveth More Grace.  Dad asked if we had the music for his favorite song, which, unfortunately, we…

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