Praise the LORD!

One Psalm, three great hymns.  Read Psalm 117 in all its brevity, and then see how two different hymn writers interpreted it.  The hymns came from C H Spurgeon’s Our Own Hymn-Book. Psalm 117 Praise the LORD, all nations!  Extol him, all peoples!  For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of…

Profit-based priorities

How often do we struggle with our priorities in life?  How do we respond to these struggles, and allocate our time appropriately?  Here’s a quote on the subject from today’s reading in “Voices From The Past”, Puritan Devotional Readings, page 128. “In worldly concerns, men discern their opportunities, and are careful to improve them before…

Humility 101

Here’s a quote from today’s reading in “Voices From The Past” Humble souls may groan under affliction, they will not grumble when things are calm.  Proud hearts may speak of patience, but in the storm it is the humble heart that exercises patience. I am afflicted says the humble soul, but it is mercy I…

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