I was going back through some notes on a book I read and found this great list of reasons why we need to go to church. The book was “On Worship1” by H.B. Charles, Jr., and if you’re interested, you can get it here. Here is Charles’ list of twenty-five reasons you should regularly participate…
All posts in Go to church
Rediscover Church
Our church, primarily through our small groups, recently read through a book by Thom Rainer entitled “I Am A Church Member” which talked about the benefits and responsibilities of belonging to a local body of Christians. It covered six primary subjects: I Will Be A Functioning Church Member I Will Be A Unifying Church Member…
Plans for Sunday?
What are your plans for Sunday? There’s a lot going on, I’m sure, in your area. I hope you are taking time to get together in church. A lot of good things happen in church, and if you’re not there, you can’t be a part of them. There seems to be a lot of stirring…